Washing a baby's clothes

As you know babies usually have sensitive skin, thus to make sure you are washing their clothes correctly you need to know the following:

  • Make sure when you wash clothes for baby to separate them from any other clothes.
  • Use special detergents for washing clothes for newborn or for baby, as those detergents contain special  formula which is less harsh on skin, less sensitive, and contains special soothing agents to help in protecting the baby skin.
  • Special detergents for baby clothes may also be useful for sensitive skin, as people with sensitive skin will also require certain detergents which are mild on the skin in order to minimize the exposure to allergic material as much as possible through washing clothes with them
  • Use moderate temperature to wash baby clothes, don't use high temperature (hot water) as it may cause shrinking to some clothes specially those which are made of cotton

Check the video below to have tips on how to wash baby clothing

1 comment:

  1. Am not sure if a special detergents for baby clothes is available in Jordan or not ... But persil gel is so far very safe for babies


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